
Terms & Conditions

By accessing this website, and using the information therein, you hereby agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out below. If you do not wish to be bound by said terms and conditions you should not continue to access or use the site.

1. Whilst all reasonable endeavours have been made to check the accuracy of the information contained within this site, Eftpos2Go does not warrant the accuracy of the information contained herein. Further, Eftpos2Go or any other associated company or companies will not be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential loss arising from the use of the information and material contained within this website or any other site which the user may access through this website. Further, Eftpos2Go or any associated company or companies will not be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential loss arising due to the users access to any other providers, operators, organizations or persons referred to directly or indirectly within this website.

2. The user acknowledges that all copyright, trademarks and all other intellectual property rights in the information contained within this website are vested in Eftpos2Go or the licensor, as appropriate.

3. Eftpos2Go may suspend the provision of the services of this website in the event that (but without limitation to) non-payment, persistent misinformation or inadequate instruction by any of the suppliers, operators, organizations or persons referred to herein. In the event of such suspension Eftpos2Go will not be responsible for any disruption to the users services or business.

4. Eftpos2Go provides the information within this website to the users solely for personal use and the user may download the information for such limited use only. The information may not be used for any other purpose, including but not limited to, publication, reproduction or transmission without the prior express written permission of Eftpos2Go.

5. Information contained within this website and associated websites may be supplied, whether directly or indirectly by third parties and Eftpos2Go cannot warrant the content, accuracy or effectiveness of said information.

6. The user will indemnify Eftpos2Go against all claims, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses, including legal fees which may or may not arise out of the use of information of any kind contained within this website.

7. Each clause and sub-clause under the terms of this agreement are to be construed as severable and in the event of any clause or sub-clause being held to be unreasonable all remaining clauses and sub-clauses will remain valid.

8. Having read the terms and conditions of this agreement, the user hereby agrees to be bound by terms thereof, before proceeding to access this website and the information contained therein.

9. Cancellations - Once an order has been placed and the order paid for you cannot cancel it

  • vodafone
  • ingenico
  • verifone
5,139,904 bytes
Loading Time Base Classes  0.0069
Controller Execution Time ( Home / Page )  0.0247
Total Execution Time  0.0316
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